Masih kepet udah difoto sama riku. Hari ini aku menjadi 39, gen menjadi 37.... semakin tuwek ya.Tapi seneng juga bisa foto berdua tanpa pakai tripod, karena riku udah pinter ambil foto hihihi.
Riku juga sudah bisa bantu bikin kue, meskipun tidak sabaran untuk makan begitu kue luar dari oven. Duhhh cerewet banget deh, udah boleh makan??? bentar lagi dong dihias dulu. Kali ini black forestnya bener2 black, karena krimnya pakai krim coklat. yummy. trus coklat hiasannya aku pakai coklat noir 80% yang aku beli tapi tapi kalau makan begitu aja pahit bener, jadinya aku melt tambahin susu, mentega dan gula, lalu setelah dingin dikerok.

from friendster:
The Bottom Line
You are very insightful right now, and people will be seeking your advice.
In Detail
You are very insightful right now, and your front door is a likely stop along the way for people who are looking for answers. You'll be quite in demand today, by folks who simply want to compare notes and by folks who need major life help. Yet the tone of your day will not be filled with hopelessness, crisis or sadness. It will be all about connecting with other people. There will be a lot of laughter and bonding. Realize that life is a crazy ride.

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